Monday 19 September 2011

The past week or so something has shifted and it is quite wonderful, suddenly we are feeling part of the community rather than observers, we can feel and see a future here and it all feels so right (by future we could mean the next two years or next twenty, who knows). The space that surrounds us continues to astound and excite us, there is just so much happening here that is interesting and inspiring. The change in season has also opened so much to us, finally the windows have been opened and we have a new level of access to this spectacular environment....woohoooo.

We have a new vehicle, it happened by accident, a stroll past a garage sale set off all kinds of thoughts, and we strolled past no more. This awesome trailer is surprisingly light and really easy. The squeals and giggles of pure joy that emit from the trailer have passer-bys stop in their tracks and smile.

On Saturday after a visit to the new op-shop in town (oh can this town get any better) and a leisurely stroll through the monthly markets (which are huge and really great) we went to a three-year old's party in the Thora Valley. Firstly the Thora Valley is where Chrysalis is and it is stunning; the rivers, the trees, the mountains; beautiful. The party was wonderful, so warm and welcoming, we knew a few people and  it just felt really easy, we felt included and comfortable.

check out that pinata in the background

Poe realised the pinata also made a fetching hat

On Sunday we visited Casuarina the other Steiner school in the region for it's Spring Fair and then headed to Coffs for a swim, I loved finishing the weekend sea salty, sun warmed and wonderfully tired.

I loved hearing about a group of ten 9 year old's from Bellingen having a sleep over on the beach at Bundagen, it was someone's party and they had a great time. There were a couple of adults there, they had a fire, cooked their dinner, and woke up super early. Ah sweet wholesome fun. 


  1. Listen to you, miss beach bunny! I never would have guessed it! :)

    Lovely to hear that you're all feeling so much more a part of the community up there. Won't be long before you're all running community get-togethers, cook-ups and love-ins. In twenty years there will be a memorial statue erected in the town square. And no, I'm not joking. ;)


  2. open windows, ooh yeah.

    So happy for you to be feeling a part of things. Very soon, you'll really start to believe it yourself, feel it in your bones - YOU'RE A LOCAL!!! Xx


thank you, thank you for sharing your words, thoughts, feelings. xx