Sunday 25 September 2011


 This post is devoted to the marvellous, the striking, the immensely talented, the crazily clever, the stunningly beautiful and heart touchingly kind Genevieve. Genevieve, is a rare human, she is someone who will walk in the room and you instantly feel better, she emits warmth and assurance coated with love and fun. To see her as an individual is a thrill to see her and her love Annie together is astounding, but I am sure I have mentioned this before.

This is what I made for Genevieve,  a miniature embroidery of some plants and flowers in a kind of photo booth set up. I was really happy with it and I think Genevieve loved it. Really happy with the red frame as well, I find it really interesting when framing things how you start of having no idea and then you end up with something kind of random but something that works (at the end of my decision making process it was down to the brown and red or lilac and white, both worked but the red and brown worked the best).

Genevieve is also particularly amazing at spoiling people,  you will hear more about this on my birthday post.
Genevieve, I love love love you so and my life is so much better with you in it. You are awesome, mwah.


  1. Oh darling one, thank you! I have to admit it was a little confronting to open your blog and see myself looking all serious and Oscar Boscar like. But once I got over the inner-squirm I relaxed into your words and felt, well, happy. So so so happy to share so much wonderful time with you recently and to be able to treat you on your birthday. And a billion thanks for my amazing gift. Despite the fact that our house is in quite a state of chaos we have found a special, albeit temporary, place for it on our bedroom wall. So each time I leave our room I spy it and smile...
    Thank you xxxx

  2. Genevieve sounds lovely. I like your space here - are you in Bellingen? Do you read the blog Chunky Chooky? Cath is a superb crafter and she lives in Bellingen. Google her, she'll pop up. LOVER that school of yours, how wonderful.

  3. Mama Mogantosh, Genevieve not only sounds lovely but she is lovely, how awesome is that! We are in Bellingen, thanks for the link to Chunky Chooky, I have now checked her out and will definitely keep an eye out for her both in blog land and the real land. Glad you like the space. xx

  4. And darling Genevieve, so so so glad you got over seeing so many glorious yous all on one space, everyone else is very very lucky. I am so happy the little botanical piece gets to hang out in the treehouse, albeit for a limited number of weeks. Oh how i love you so xxxxxxx.


thank you, thank you for sharing your words, thoughts, feelings. xx