Friday 2 September 2011

an interlude

We have been sick, coughing like you don't want to know about, bone wrenching tiredness and for me, a throat that has been so sore that one night I even had to resort to whisky, yeah that was hard, but hey it worked. Scott has been an amazing carer; nurturing and providing for us all in a totally amazing way, ahhh, thank you Scott. 
Here are some beautiful pics to delight in, taken the day before Poe got sick (and the day after the last post). He was so delighted to feel like a real fairy, flying so so high above the tiny fairy world below. His smile and joy just made me melt. 



Luckily for us, but unlucky for her, we have had mum visting, she has been amazing; Scott and I even managed a night out at No. 2 Oak St (unplanned, totally delicious and a really special evening) and she was hanging out with the poorly Poe whilst we have been entertaining our very dear and special friends;  Kristian, Ree, Dexter and Bowie. It has been so much fun (even amongst the sickness). Photos to come.


  1. Oh you poor things, no doubt you were sick from doing so very much on your holiday to the big smoke. So much love to you all, I wish I was close to help you out. Your mum is always like a little angel, flying in at the right time. xxx

  2. Oh and ps - Love your banner change! x


thank you, thank you for sharing your words, thoughts, feelings. xx