Thursday 1 December 2011

The old hood

Strangely it doesn't really feel weird staying next door to where we used to live. I guess we were ready to move and are happy that we did, so we don't feel any ties to the place but still it does cause most people to comment and give us pause for thought. We do however have very strong ties with our beautiful ex-neighbours and wonderful friends, Tracey, Vince, Remy and Jenna. It is always a delight to be enfolded into their home, their arms, their life. We truly feel so relaxed and so loved when we are with them and as we hang about cooking, talking, helping with homework, it is all so easy. 

The amazing Jenna modelling the skirt I made for her birthday, it looked fantastic on her and as you can see, she seems to like it. 

Oh the love. 


 We were lucky enough to catch up with Cass, James, Harriet and Teddy for dinner at Tracey's place. Again, awesome. Seeing Poe and Harriet running around like crazy in the backyard, enjoying dinner together (my favourite moment was watching Harriet lean over into Poe and just sigh,  "Oh Poe", so sweet, so beautiful, so much love) and catch up on everything that is important in their lives. Harriet was particularly excited as she presented everyone with a card explaining and displaying that she had lost a tooth today, this partnered with the gaping hole in the front of her mouth, oh my I just wanted to squeeze her (oh and i did, in a very gentle and loving way). So much to catch up on and so little time, lucky these are the types of friends were you can just get into the nitty gritty, so it was nice to hear the real details in each others lives (although again, too little time and I am sure there was more grit that I failed to extract).

As Cass walked in, she unburdened herself by dumping a huge box into my arms, this box was laden with so much awesome goodness I did lots of gasping, oohing and aahing. Belated birthday gifts of fabric, linen, books, patterns, badges and the sweetest ceramic deer you may ever seen (complete with an ear that had been broken but was lovingly repaired). I will photograph some of these gifts because quite frankly there was a lot of love there. So sweet and so beautiful, thank you lovely ones. 

Check out this awesome diorama that Jenna made for school, a kids clothing shop, love those mini clothes and awesome change room, complete with a mirror and lights. 

So happy to have Dadda back after a five days away.


  1. Five days away...*sigh*. Oh sorry, just got lost in a daydream there. ;)

    'Twas SO awesome to see you!! I had withdrawals even as we drove away. :( I wish I was better at chatting on the phone, I used to be before children (gawd you couldn't get me off the thing) but now I can't get in to the swing of it.

    I guess it does mean we're under a strong impetus to come and visit now though! xxx

  2. yes unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at you) you will just have to come and visit us and have a few days of non stop catch up, wow, could be life changing. xx


thank you, thank you for sharing your words, thoughts, feelings. xx