Inspired by our upcoming visit to Brisbane to see Circus Oz for Poe and my birthdays, circus play has featured more heavily than usual (which, if we are being honest features quite a lot anyway).
We have just emerged from a week and a half of sickness, a horrid dry hacking cough, fevers and general awfulness (which unfortunately also took down my mum and my aunt, who were visiting). Amongst all this we have been packing, plying little people with as many remedies as I can (I do have an amazing brew but more suited to adults than children), farewelling Scott as he headed to Sydney to pick up our secondhand kitchen, skylight, windows and built ins (go ebay, go gumtree) and watching from afar as our home progresses. We are up to the painting prep stage and nearly ready for the bathroom to be waterproofed and tiled. Don't worry, I promise I will scratch all those itches out there with some progress shots very soon.
In the meantime we sit playing scrabble as we await a potential flood for the rain that is soaking our dry little town is filling our rivers past their brims.

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thank you, thank you for sharing your words, thoughts, feelings. xx