Bell and I now have an army of suitcases, ready, willing and more than able to embrace our wares.

Well despite the market day being quite slow; due mainly to Crazy Day in town, where all the shops have 'crazy' sales, we think that by the time the hordes of people actually fought through the main street crowds and made it to the markets they had already spent there 'crazy' money on bright and shiny new
Relax, despite appearances to the contrary No 5 did not experience any kind of major contamination or OHS breach, they are getting into the theme of the Onesie (all in one outfit) party they are hosting for Kate Atkinson (the force behind The Sonic Lab, who organise bands to tour this region). Poe, Ilo, Scott and I headed up after an early dinner, basically to check out all the awesome onesies, you would be quite surprised how many forms the humble onesie can take, amazed. After an hour or so, we headed back, put Poe and Ilo to bed and then Scott has headed back up. Apparently the amazing Elana Stone will be playing (she is in the totally hot blue satin onesie below) along with Grant from Bellyache Ben and I think Scott is performing as well. By the looks of things I think it is going to be a great night, looking forward to the debrief from Scott. As you can see below, our family went in overalls, all of us, team overalls indeed (will try to get a pic of me from somewhere). Fancy dress parties always seem to get everyone in such a happy mood.
Grant entrancing with the sousaphone
Kate in the tiger onesie.
Fabulous Cath in this amazing onesie, crap photo as I was just adjusting the settings but I love it, hot pink everything, everything.
the autumn leaf photo is beautiful. The photos of Scott, Ilo and Poe in overalls are sooo sweet. Going by your words and pictures, the good folk of Bellingen are a party loving social bunch. It is too cold here in Victoria to go out after dark! Though, we did brave the chill on Friday night and headed to friends for dinner where I wore your lovely handmade creation. When Pete arrived home and saw me wearing it he said 'Great top you should get another one'. Loving the tunes too xx