Saturday 9 June 2012


Poe in the backyard holding his new doll he made at school, the stitching on it is so sweet and perfect.
 Oh my, moving really is awful isn't it? It's the packing, sorting, lifting, negotiating, cleaning and feeling of relentlessness that can be totally overwhelming. But now, thanks to some wonderful friends (including a couple that went above and beyond and actually scrubbed the bathroom for us! How amazing and wonderful is that), I am sitting in our new sun drenched loungeroom looking across a tin roof to the mountains beyond, pretty spectacular. Admittedly behind me is a tower of boxes doing their best to intimidate me (it's working) and pretty much stuff scattered everywhere waiting to discover their fate; our home, an op shop pile or garage sale pile. 
view from kitchen and dining room

Short but sweet, we are feeing quite drained but excited to focus on our new home, to nest, to settle and then to have it warmed by friends and family.


  1. I tell my students that in labour they should say 'one less contraction.'
    perhaps you could say: 'that's one less box.'
    hehe. Enjoy your new space Jay - it looks divine.
    I would like a house your soon please x

  2. *tour - I meant to say x

  3. Lovely photos Jay. I love the look of all that fabric so neatly folded and the colours in the painting. Great outlook from the kitchen and dining room - I'm especially envious of that sunshine in the view it is so cold here!...five days has passed since you wrote that post perhaps all the boxes are unpacked :)


thank you, thank you for sharing your words, thoughts, feelings. xx