Thursday 20 March 2014

our market + some of very special talks

Interestingly as I was checking out when I last brought our beautiful Bellopy markets to your attention I realised that it was pretty much a year ago, literally, take a couple of days. So, now it is to be, even though these markets are visited fortnightly I will endeavour to give you annual updates so that you can see how it has grows and evolves.
I love these markets, they are simple and rich and hold the most beautiful of intentions; supporting local farmers that grow food with sustainable, ethical and humane practices. On the 1st, 3rd and 5th Friday of every month these small markets create their own special buzz in town, there is always music, people to meet and fresh and delicious produce to buy. One week we were bombarded (in the best possible way) with an assortment of absolutely stunning eggplants of so many shapes, colours and sizes, the next market the absolutely stunning lychees beheld by heart.
The passion that Susan (who runs the market) has for spray free, ethical and humane produce is contagious, she is passionate about giving farmers a fair price for their beautiful goods (she doesn't charge farmers for having a stall but asks the visitors to contribute a gold coin donation to cover the hire of the space), she gives them a voice and a place where all their hard work is well and truly appreciated.
Susan (along with many other Bellingen folk) recently participated in TEDX Bellingen, you can see her inspiring and yes passionate talk here but please check out all the other talks, they are absolutely inspiring. I would definitely recommend watching Jennie Fenton's talk 'Inclusion, belonging and the Disability Revolution', but be warned you will need tissues and some extra time in your day, as you will be so moved and so inspired you will need to take action straight away, I promise.


  1. We feel the same about the local growers markets at Blue Knob (three years old now, heavens) and more recently Nimbin (only a few months old). Nimbin also has a twice monthly larger market, but it's the new food focused ones that delight us most, simply because of the amazingly innovative and always changing food options they provide. Suddenly a friend / neighbour turns into a worldclass baker or their eggs win at the Nimbin Show, or they produce the most scrumptious butter you've ever tasted. How did we ever manage without local markets???

    Off to check out the ted talks :)

    1. Ah would love to come and visit your growers markets Jeni, they are truly magical and wonderful places, I have no idea how we managed without them. xxx j
      Would love to know what Ted talks stood out for you. xx

  2. I watched the tedx talks over at the Bellopy facebook page.
    Very inspiring and yes I agree Jenni's talk left me feeling the same way.
    Even more excited about our eventual move up north!

    1. Hi Sue, thanks for popping in, when are you thinking of moving up? xx j

  3. Dear Jay,

    My name is Natasha - I've been following your blog for about a year now from my little corner of the world - Addis Ababa Ethiopia.For me each post is a taste of home...when we are not teaching at international schools we call the Byron Shire our home. But we have visited your backyard many times and love it. This post in particular made me long for the North Coast, organic food, community spirit and earth awareness. Thank you

    1. Hello there Natasha, hello all the way to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, no less. Thank you for dropping by, I am so glad you like to visit here. Ah yes, the Byron shire is such a lovely part of the world, my aunt (as you probably know) lives in Mullumbimby, I have a very soft spot for that region. How long have you been in Ethiopia for? best wishes jay. xx

    2. Hi Jay,

      We have been in Ethiopia for almost a year and a half. We will be moving on in June, first to my home town in Canada and then on to another international teaching contract. We are planning another couple of years as gypsies before finally head back to the North Coast to finally put down some roots.
      Keep doing what you are doing! I love your posts and always look forward to them.

    3. Ah gypsies, what a wonderful adventure you are all on and a beautiful dream to settle on the North Coast. So happy you like to visit. xx jay

  4. this whole post made by heart beat faster, this is what a perfect day looks like for me, so many wonderful things all in one place. heaven.

    1. Hi Des, yep, pretty perfect day, really what else does anyone need? Thanks for dropping by. xx


thank you, thank you for sharing your words, thoughts, feelings. xx