Monday 21 January 2013

these days

I love school holidays, I love the sleep ins, the lack of urgency, the gentle rhythm of the days and all that kind of stuff, but most of all what I have loved the most is the total love fest that Poe and Ilo slip into (there was a lot of love in that sentence). These two have been such a delight, their whisperings to each other, their beautiful ideas, seeing them lost in their worlds for hours. Countless times throughout the day they profess their love to each other as they walk about arm in arm, oh my heart has just been so full of squishy delight. This love fest obviously flows onto the whole family and right back again, I couldn't imagine a better start to the year. 
Amongst all the lovin, we have been swimming, both at the beach and river, whipping up a whole batch of Kasundi, celebrating birthdays, planning a curry night, embroidering a raspberry and counting the number of sleeps until some very special loved ones come and visit.

The Kasundi (indian tomato relish) that Woo and I made was a new recipe from Simon Bryant's Vegie's, we did tweak it a bit based on what we had available; not enough cumin, we used chilli flakes not chilli powder, rapadura not white sugar, apple cider vinegar not malt and only added 3 jalapenos (we had to double the recipe as we had about 5kgs of tomatoes), we changed quite a bit actually, hmmm. Anyway, I really liked this new recipe, it is a bit sweeter and hotter than usual and is totally addictive,  I have been adding it to everything, but my particular favourite has been a breakfast of a boiled egg, toast, sauerkraut and kasundi, with a drizzle of flaxseed oil, yep, doesn't get much better than that .

Here is Simon's recipe:
makes 600g

2 tbs black mustard seeds
2 cups of malt vinegar 
250g fresh ginger
20 cloves garlic
30ml vegetable oil
30 fresh mild large red chillies
2.5kg fresh ripe tomatoes
2tbs ground tumeric
6tbs ground cumin
2tbs chilli powder
1 1/2cups of sugar
1 1/2tbs salt to taste

Soak mustard seeds overnight in vinegar. Puree in blender. Add ginger and garlic and blend until smooth. Halve chillies and remove seeds. Blanch tomatoes, peel and remove seeds and dice. 
Heat oil until smoking. Remove from heat and cool slightly. Stir in turmeric, cumin,chili powder. Add garlic and ginger/mustard mix, tomatoes, halved chillies and blended sugar and salt mix. 
Simmer for about an hour until a pulp and oil starts to float on the top. 
Pour into sterilized jars and allow to stand at a least a week (yeah, good luck with that one) before using to develop character. This will keep for months, but will probably be eaten in weeks

Oh and yeah I also managed to somehow bump my precious 50mm camera lens, which meant that it decided to stop focusing...yikes. After checking in with a camera shop and hearing numbers like 100, 200, 300 being bounced around, we did some internet checking and realised it is possible, albeit possibly highly stressful to fix ourselves. Scott graciously volunteered, luckily, as he is definitely more meticulous than I am. So off her went armed with the computer and step by step instructions, latex gloves, and screwdrivers, he literally pulled the whole thing apart, put the bent lens ring in a vice, straightened it and put it all back together and woohooo, it worked. My heart dislodged itself from my throat and I did a few leaps for joy, whilst showing a huge amount of appreciation at Scott's awesomeness.


  1. So much to love about this post Jay. I am curious to get your thoughts on sibling bonding, Poe and Ilo's love and friendship as brothers sounds just dreamy! River and Sol have this too, but I have to say it is not without some good doses of sibling rivalry and torment of each other...there is 3 years age difference between them and I wonder how it is when siblings are closer in years. Kasoundi recipe brought back memories of an old friend who made a delicious version, I can't wait to try this! and as for your man Scott how talented is he?! He saved the day. Soak up these last days of school free time as I am sure many of us mamas are doing. We're off to the park now. Xxx

    1. thanks lovely you. Oh there is definitely the usual bickering that happens between all siblings but as Ilo is getting older this is definitely happening less. Ilo, who is definitely more, um 'passionate' than Poe is usually the instigator and Poe is amazing, he never retaliates, just tries to talk to Ilo or yes, whines as well. There is 3 years between them as well. Me and my siblings all had two years between us and we all use to squabble at points, but this is where you work the social stuff out, with siblings and family. xxxx oh the pomegranate is now on it's way (again)

    2. Oh yay! I will be keeping a very keen eye on my letterbox...and the sibling dance, I think the sibling bond is such a strong one even between siblings who don't get along all of the time (I'm talking about adult siblings) personalities differ but siblings are made of the same stuff so to speak so the bond is deep. I find it fascinating to observe my own boys and other children that is why this post struck a chord. Can't wait to see the pomegranate. Thank you!! xxx

  2. How wonderful to stumble unto your space here. Your summer has sounded perfect, just as it should be. And what a blessing to watch the relationship and love grow between your two little ones. I hope your next week or so is as magical ... Ally

    1. Hi Ally and welcome, I too am glad you stumbled here, so glad you like it. How has your summer been? Hope it has been wonderful. jay. xx

  3. Hello Jay.... do you know I have just tonight made your delicious eggplant pickle. I tucked that one away when I saw it on Nikki's blog awhile back and have been dying to try it. Then I drop in and bingo some more inspiration. It has been so very hot here this summer yet strangely I crave some spice. Thank you for sharing and as always love your photos.

    1. Hello there, I am so excited that you have made the eggplant pickle, I hope you loved it, just writing about it has me salivating, hmmm, must do something about that. So glad you have popped in. I understand your craving for spice, I crave it always, but especially of late. Hopefully we will see you here again. xxx jay

  4. Hello Jay, what a lovely post. I find myself mournful at the prospect of a new school year. The lack of routine over Summer is certainly something to be cherished. I have felt so happy watching the two O Rose's play together so creatively and lovingly for hours on end with only the very occasional flare up. So very very heartwarming. Your post resonated strongly with me, not least because we made many jars of kasundi just last week! Love x

    1. Hello darling you, oh Kasundi adventures together, how gorgeous, but a little frustrating as I had a bottles set aside to send to you guys, hmmm, we could trade??? Oh I can just imagine those two beautiful O Rose's playing about exploring their space together, I would love to hear about the amazing games those two play, especially led by that big O's brain. love to you my dear xxx

  5. kasundi - love it, love the name, love it all. particularly the home made lens fixing. such a satisfying feeling sorting something like that out without having to pay someone! x

    1. oh so satisfying and amazing, i am still in awe of Scott's steady hand, next stop cleaning that damn sensor! hope all is wonderfully well in your world. xx

  6. Oh really this blog is just beautiful. I feel such a connection to what you just said about the holidays. I have tummy pains when I think of parting with my babies in a few days. Your photo's, colours, depth and words are stunning and I just love it here. Congrats xx

    1. Oh Amber, you are incredibly sweet and kind. I am still in denial that the holidays are coming to an end, how can six weeks go so fast, it feels like it was just beginning. Good luck with those first few days, best wishes Jay. xx

  7. long time blog photo viewer, first time commenter!
    wow! Poe's swimming tornado arms are excellent. His swim teacher did a good job!!!!!!! ha ha!!!
    i get so jealous when i see other friends from Sydney are up there visiting you...
    love to all

    1. hello there beautiful Dom, oh what a delight it is to see you here. i think you should do something about that jealousy and book a flight up here poste haste. love you


thank you, thank you for sharing your words, thoughts, feelings. xx