Saturday 13 October 2012

holding on

I just finished 'Prodigal Summer' by Barbara Kingsolver, my reading time usually consists of nighttime  moments, stolen, as the rest of the house sleeps and I try desperately to keep my lids from falling. Reading this book brought back so many other moments (that I had forgotten) of utter deliciousness of being so in love with the whole book reading experience. I devoured most of the book, delighting in the stories that were unfolding within it and finding myself thinking about the story whenever I was away but then I realised, all too suddenly, that "oh no" I was nearing the end so I quickly reigned myself in, I changed my reading pace and read as if I was being bathed in it, I would put the book down even when my eyelids were still, relatively, open. And then I finished and the whole story was complete within me, I felt full, yes,  I wished it would go on but I was aware of that feeling, that wonderful feeling of being connected to it, in it's completion. I haven't had such a wonderful book reading experience it quite some time and now, now, I'm not sure where to go now but for now I am savouring this feeling.


  1. Thanks for sharing this Jay I am always on the look out for a good read. The last book I read and totally immersed myself in was 'House of Sticks' by Peggy Frew. I will seek out 'Prodigal Summer', I tried reading Barbara Kingsolver's book Animal Vegetable Miracle and just couldn't get into it even though I really wanted to. I will give it another go. Hope all is well with you. finally Spring is showing itself here today and we are heading outdoors for a picnic xx

    1. Thanks for the tip re 'house of sticks' will definitely check it out. i am with you with regards to a lot of Kingsolver's books, i did enjoy animal, vegetable miracle though. this is a really pleasant and easy book to read, i promise. enjoy your picnic. xx

  2. I felt this way when I read The poisonwood bible 10 years ago- parts of that story are still with me, almost as if they've become part of my history! Maybe I'll look for that one next. I just finished people of the book by geraldine brooks- I can't seem to get enough of her stories :-)

    1. i feel the same way re geraldine brooks (except her latest, i just couldn't get into it, maybe i need to try again), i really enjoyed people of the book though.

  3. I love the red tent, the only book of recent years i have been able to savour without wanting to check out the end first to see if it's worth reading in full - terrible, isn't it! I also loved the Frank moorhouse trilogy about the league of nations, forgot the title, sorry!

  4. hi umi,

    for some reason your comment didn't come up on the blog page but wil have to check out 'the red tent' and the moorehouse series, i think that was Grand Days and Dark Palace but i didn't realise it was a trilogy until now, will have to get the third book, i loved the first two. thanks.

  5. Yep, seems like I'm the only woman in Australia who just doesn't like Brooks! I recently had the book club power and chose Atonement but really, any Ian McEwan is amazing (besides Solaris). They all enjoyed it as well, yay!

    1. ha ha, yes, it does seem that way doesn't it. Ian McEwan is amazing, i agree, and Atonement, gorgeous. Haven't read Solaris though, probably won't now though. xx

  6. Just found The Poisonwood Bible at the op shop with a Fill a Bag for $10 promo, so picked it up. Will let you know how I like it when I actually find time to get around to reading it (may be never!).


thank you, thank you for sharing your words, thoughts, feelings. xx