Monday 27 August 2012

slowly slowly part 2. the celebration

Swept up from the beautiful hula hooping household, I found myself in more warm embraces, embraces that lingered all the more, partly because of distance partly because of love, partly because of those goddam crazy winds. But I was definitely not complaining. It was a really beautiful and generous idea of Rod's to gather three of Jen's closest friends together and then to cook an amazing meal for us and give us the time and space to catch up and also get to know one another (I had only very limited interactions with Alison and Anne, previously). It did kind of feel like we were squeezing so much into so little time but then I guess it was also us making the most of it, milking it for all that we could, I guess.
Ah, beautiful Jen, your kindness, wisdom, patience and empathy is beyond words, I cherish them so much and I am so lucky to know you and have you gracing my/our lives.

Jen and Anne donning their new 'and the trees' tops, yes Anne was the lucky one who nabbed the daffodil shrug, it looked amazing on her. I made Jen a similar top but with a windmill and lovely dutch lady. 

Another gift, a needlebook I made for Jen, now I am inspired to make more.  Stand back needles.

Speaking of inspiration, after years of thinking 'I must' Anne, firmly kicked me in the proverbial and has motivated to get into some eco dyeing, how amazing is the piece she made above, I am in love. 

Rod, creating, creating a magnificent feast, full of love. 

Lily, in 'maid' mode, organising dinner placements and decorations. 

Saul assisting. 

Even Jeffery was dressed up for the occasion. 

The setting. 

It was a long and luxurious night, we stayed up later and later fighting off the yawns and sleepy eyes, knowing that once we made the decision to go to bed the magic of the night would be over.


  1. I felt so nourished by the whole experience - the company, the conversation, the food, the gifts. So beautiful, personal and intimate. Oh I miss you so!


    ps: Jeffery looks so dignified

  2. Oh yay I'd been waiting for the next instalment, lovely to read and see the beautiful photos...including the lucky Anne in the daffodil shrug. I think more shrugs are a must for your Spring/Summer creations. And when I 'grow up' I want a kitchen just like Rod's! You captured the feeling so well of never wanting the magic of the night to end. Hope all good with you and yours xx

    1. i know, the kitchen is just amazing. there have been more shrugs created and more on their way. xxx


thank you, thank you for sharing your words, thoughts, feelings. xx