Tuesday 17 April 2012

my love

a great photo but sadly not a wedding photo they are in a box somewhere.
On the 11th of April, Scott and I quietly celebrated 8 years of being hitched. 8 years, woohoooo, what an adventure it has been.
I love the dance we dance, how together we have faced so many challenges, delights and crazy times and have still managed to come out the other side even more awesome and closer than ever before.
Thank you my beautiful darling, thank you for standing firmly by my side as we go on this journey together, thank you for your love, support, inspiration and 'humour'. Thank you for our beautiful children and for being such a wonderful parent. I just love and adore you more and more and more. Oh and you are totally hot and you still make me go weak at the knees, yep, I am pretty damn lucky. xxxxx


  1. Oh what a day that was....a trip that will always be cherished by Marty and I.
    How crazy that it has been 8 years! It really has gone quickly, happy anniversary lovely friend xx

  2. it was so much fun wasn't it, so many funny memories. Congratulations on your 8 years as well, it has flown yet so much has happened. give my love to marty too, hope you are well. xxxx


thank you, thank you for sharing your words, thoughts, feelings. xx