Friday 15 July 2011


Obviously we wouldn't be foolish enough to move to an area with a dearth of op shops, i mean what would be the point of living if we did that. Luckily within 20 minutes of us there are about 10 op shops and even more fortuitously is that I have a partner who loves to op shop as much as I do (seriously, as much as I do, how great is that). And I guess even luckier than that is the fact that both kids love op shopping as well, Ilo actually refers to any shop as  "tempe op shop". 
Above is a little collection of delicious treats recently acquired, nothing totally amazing but enough to satisfy and warm my heart. Today I plan to move from the back steps into a designated crafting area, hmmm so very excited. But rest assured I have indeed been creating however I cannot show you what I have made just yet. Unfortunately this will be happening quite often over the next few months as birthday season begins. 


  1. so can i be a part of your family? No one else likes the oppies round here

    xo em

  2. of course, the more the merrier (our children have been trained since before birth, it is in their blood).

  3. ooh, pretty stuff! Can't wait to see some of your creations - AND that crafting space too please!

  4. Is it sad the first thing I noticed was the painted white floorboards? I am a house tragic!

    Absolutely LOVING That green & white floral fabric, it is totally awesome-ah power!


thank you, thank you for sharing your words, thoughts, feelings. xx