Some new bits and pieces that I will be taking to the markets tomorrow. As I mentioned I am so delighted with these colours, I really get inspired by the random fabric I find and often find myself going on a completely different tangent, led purely by the fabric. This teal blue top (above) is gorgeous but totally polyester, but still I couldn't resist, luckily we are heading into winter.

The skirt is new, as you know lately is all been about tops, tops and more tops but that lightweight denim was singing to me, serenading me, wanting me to make it into a skirt. So I obeyed.
As instigated by Nikki and a smaller glimmer in my mind I have started on a few long sleeve/3/4 sleeve tops, I really enjoyed the challenge. The tablecloth top with the houses is quite striking but not sure how many more I could make that works this well.
Ta da. Here are my embroidered vegetables hanging on the walls of the Everything That's Beautiful gallery. Two pieces ended up selling, I was really touched, excited and a bit shocked.
Mothers Day was really sweet, lots of cuddles, kisses and cards in bed followed by a special Ilo, Poe and Scott breakfast (not shown here, I had finished eating by the time Scott got the camera so his breakfast stood in). I stayed in bed til 10am, reading craft blogs in bed, listening to my lovely ones play and laugh. I hopped on my new old red bike and we headed down to the river for a picnic in the sun. Then it was home for the usual fancy dress amusement.
Yesterday I awoke feeling like I had a flu, body aches, sore eyes and an overwhelming sense of weariness. I thought back over the last few nights and realised I had been staying up to about 12 every night embroidering and totally neglecting any downtime my body was needing. I remembered that this has happened before and it wasn't the flu it was exhaustion. So I stopped. I had a infra red sauna at Alchemy to sweat things out, dosed up and spent the rest of the day in bed, not sleeping, resting and today I feel so much better. I really need to be more aware of this as I just want to do so much and forget to nurture myself a bit.
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thank you, thank you for sharing your words, thoughts, feelings. xx