Despite the heavy weight of tiredness that we both carried from Friday morning until about 3pm (or as the time which will be hereafter known as 'when Wicked Winter saved our sorry selves'), Bell and I had so much fun at our Pop Up Shop. W
e had lots of visitors to our shop from start at 11 til end, at about 6 (8pm, who were we kidding), loving the space, the wares, the concept, the reality. It was so lovely seeing The Workshop evolve within a couple of hours to an inviting and beautiful looking shop. We both, wonderfully, also sold quite a few items, which is just as well I guess, considering it was the whole purpose of the shop. Already we are discussing when next we might pop up.
Just realised that I didn't take that many pics and the ones I did take aren't too great but sorry folks will have to do.

Our saviour, the Wicked Winter, partnered with some Chai, helped us get through the day. This little number is raw and insanely delicious, I have had a few of these in my time and this is the most delicious of them all, courtesy of the beautiful folk at
No. 5. Speaking of which, after we shut up shop, I was asked by Jason to take some photos of
Susanna Carman for the Coffs Advocate Social Pages. Hmmm, I rushed home, unloaded car, got changed for the Alter Ego party with some valuable assistance and enthusiasm from Scott and then headed up to No. 5 to take some pictures. Not sure whether I really got any pics for the Social Pages, mainly because one, I am not one of those photographers who can approach people and get them to wear some cheesy grin for the sake of a photo nor was the crowd really a crowd that I could imagine being too happy about having their pic in the social pages (they all looked really relaxed, comfortable and quite happy in their cosy bubbles). I did get some nice pictures though and Susanna asked if I could send them through to her as well, so at least they will have some purpose.

After I had taken a decent amount of photographs, I quickly scrambled out of there to pick up a freshly showered and newly attired Bell and headed out to the Promised Land for the Alter Ego party. Yes we did thoroughly discuss the plan of staying an hour max as we were both shattered but we ended up staying for about 3 hours, not sure exactly where the 3 hours went but i know a lot of it was spent gazing in awe at the beautiful Soli, dressed as Frida Kahlo, absolutely and stunningly amazing. Go on, spend some time just here and get a good look. The rest of it, was spent dancing, chatting, laughing and then trying (unsuccessfully) to stifle yawns.
As a Flapper, I know doesn't really look like any kind of Alter Ego but I was tired
and didn't have any space for dress up creativity |
The next day after, we all lurched out of bed at 9am, we hurried up the mountain for Dorrigo Market day, Scott jammed with a couple of friends whilst Poe, Ilo and I, explored, played at the park, found a few remaining Autumn leaves and ate Anzac cookies in the car, as the rain fell around us.
i could look at those little brown fingers all day, oh that little pincer grip |
Today we also had a really gentle yet creative day, we made fabric balls (i made these a few Christmas's ago and they were a hit, basically they are thin fabric scraps wrapped around a stuffed old sock, really beautiful, will include pictures soon) with Woo, Ziggy and Sidney, whipped up some Almond Nut Butter, thought about making
Jude's amazing Zucchini Bread but put it off til tomorrow, had tea and one remaining Anzac in the cubby house, spent a lot of the time bouncing and lying on the trampoline in the sun and finally, we went to Cracker Night. Run by the Lions club, it is so much fun, an amazing display of pyrotechnics, which had not only the children but the adults laughing with pure joy. So yes, deliciously pooped (again, maybe not two words quite meant to be next to each other) and to make matters worse, I managed to stay up a lot last night thinking about what I will make for the markets this Saturday and my embroidery pieces for the Energy Festival the following Saturday, hmmm, I have lots of squeezing to do (oh and bugger it is now 12.08am, eeeeeeeek), goodnight.