Yesterday we had our first visitors, our first bello food box, our first meeting with Poe's pre kindy teacher; Paige and our first curry night at the Bowling Club (oh yeah).
Just as we finished straightening up the house in preparation for our home interview with Paige, we received a call from Louisa, announcing that herself, Morag and Huon were just around the corner. How exciting and before we knew it our house was being warmed by our first visitors, it was so lovely to have people that we know from Sydney visit our new home.
We sat, we caught up, we exchanged stories and munched on delicious bits and pieces. But as we had Paige coming to visit very soon we made plans to meet up at Urunga the following day and bid our farewells.
And then we met with Paige who came bearing a posy of flowers for Poe (who was thrilled). She was lovely, so warm and open, she answered all the questions we had with such reassurance and enthusiasm that we felt really happy and confident that Poe will be happy with her at pre-kindy (which is part of
Chrysalis Steiner School). Understanding that no school is perfect we do believe that Steiner is more in tune with the way we parent and will be a supportive and gentle environment for Poe.
By the way Poe is still in absolute delight with Paige's name "like turn another page" or "when she is telling us stories we can just say turn the page, Paige" he giggles as he rolls about in delight.

After a heart-warming visit we then had to hot-foot it to pick up our
Bello Food Box, for $50 we received a table full of food, all sourced within 200 kilometres of Bellingen. Needless to say we are very excited and delighted.
Today we headed to a few op-shops (yes withdrawals were setting in) and Scott managed to pick up a few stylin additions to his wardrobe, unfortunately he has been buying a lot more clothes than me of late and I am quite envious to say the least. We then met up with Morag and Louisa for fish and chips at the beach (well, technically the river/beach/mangrove). As you can see the kids stripped off and frolicked in the water and had a huge amount of fun. We then checked out the 400m boardwalk which goes over the river/mangrove and leads to the beach, pretty awesome.
blurry but you get the idea |
And now the curry. Can you imagine how excited we were when we saw a little sign in a shop window saying "Ethiopian Curry Night, Thursday from 5pm. Three vegetarian curries, rice and flatbread $7. Three meat curries, rice and flatbread $10. Bellingen Bowling Club". Tonight couldn't happen fast enough. We strolled down (the Bowling Club is at the other end of our street) and enjoyed a sizeable feast (basically dahl, another beany dish, a carrot, potato, cabbage dish, a carrot coriander salad, rice and bread).
The club was full of families, vibrant colours, smiles and ease. The other great thing was the relaxed atmosphere of the club and the fact that there were so so many kids having an awesome time.
There was a small stage which many of the kids utilised as anything from a diving board to, well, a stage - lots of impromptu dancing and singing.
This picture is of Ilo being hugged by three random kids and Poe, he loved it.
This will definitely be a weekly event for us.