circus school - yes, at last Poe made it yet despite Poe wanting/begging to go for such a long time when push came to shove it was all too much, too daunting, too new and he refused. So we sat with him and watched and waited and edged closer and closer and then finally he was there, he was smiling, his confidence returned and then with a grin he insisted that we leave. When we returned he was one of the few kids who had their own solo performance as part of the group performance and as soon as it was finished for the day he has was begging to go everyday. Even though this kind of thing happens less and less, I do feel so sad for Poe as he resists big change or things that look challenging, he usually does work through it but unfortunately the grief comes first. Sweet little one, I love your cautiousness but I do wish you just that bit more courage, to take the leap, in the meantime, we will be there.
As a lovely aside that pink fluffy bottom you see belongs to an old friend from the Central Coast, Danielle, she actually runs the circus school up here, it was great surprise connecting with her again after so many years and to see her being involved with something so fantastic. Yes, yes yes, as you are all probably more than aware but I love the circus. I love how amazing role models circus performers are; how accepting they seem to be of everyone, regardless of gender, size, height, personality, there seems to be a space for everyone, differences are embraced. There is no competition, just a focus on looking out for each other and being safe and supportive, all the while stretching, challenging and exercising bodies, yes totally awesome.

I enjoy the sense of community where you live. It comes through strongly in your photos. (Well, I imagine a strong, welcoming community anyway).
ReplyDeleteAnd I love your new header.
hi imogen, there is a really strong community here, it is really welcoming and creates a feeling that anything is possible and you will be supported in it, whatever it is.
Deletethe new header is thanks to Ilo. xxx
Hi Jay
ReplyDeleteI just got back to town last week and I'm so excited to see
another blogmama in the community!
Rosie put me onto your site
beautiful photos and sharing
Thanks for the lovely three tees in May, i wore them
all the time on my travels
seeyou in cyber and real time
Hello Rosi,
Deleteso lovely to see you hear and yesterday in 'real life' at my stall, gee that dress looked so gorgeous on you, hope you have already managed to frolic in a meadow somewhere. see you soon. xx
we read the circus book tonight and Saul can't wait fr the next chapter. So pleased Poe overcame his hesitation and was able to try all the things he's been thinking so much about.
ReplyDeleteLove the photo of Poe and Ilo in their jackets watching the band.
Oh I miss you all!