Little glimpses of exhales amongst all the short intakes that have been happening of late. I am sure that many of you are also in the same boat, the pressure of the looming festive season deadline and the amping up of the social calendar. Last week we enjoyed an amazing weekend up at The Mullum Music Festival, this weekend we will be doing a very quick trip to Sydney for a wedding and amongst all this I have been trying to see clearly with regards to my Christmas crafting, I am feeling quite stuck, waiting for clear inspiration. But I am (in moments) remembering to breathe, to know that everything will be fine, taking opportunities to declutter and clear some much needed (head) space. I have also reignited my love affair with list writing, a beautiful and easy way to get all that is bouncing around in your head into some kind of sense.
Phew, now I can strike off blog post writing from the list and now move onto paying the rent.

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thank you, thank you for sharing your words, thoughts, feelings. xx