Friday, 27 September 2013

Spring Festival

We've had a house full the last week or so and it will continue to be full until Monday, a house full of loved ones, dear friends, noise, bustle, extra hands, plates of food, glasses of wine, pretty lovely.
Here are a few beautiful images from the Chrysalis Spring Festival, a lovely celebration of Spring. My most favourite part of the day was seeing Poe and all Poe's friends focus so much delight and inclusion towards Ilo, making sure he had a seat, a hand to hold and a garland for his head. Ilo's grin just radiated happiness.


  1. Oh how I miss the Spring festival! Not celebrated in the same way in mainstream schooling as it is in Steiner. Rain is hammering down hard here, quite a contrast to your sunny photos. Thank you so much for supporting Pete's Fire book, you are a treasure xxx

    1. Thank you gorgeous and Pete's book deserves support, it will be amazing

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    1. Thank you for visiting Nidya, you can follow the blog via email. Best wishes jay

  3. gorgeous! the maypole never ceases to impress me.

    rachel xx


thank you, thank you for sharing your words, thoughts, feelings. xx