Two of our dear, dear friends recently celebrated their ten year wedding anniversary (hooray) and what better way to celebrate than by having a picnic by the river on a glorious days surrounded by friends who love, love, love them so.
Leisa and Ben are two remarkable humans, individually they are delightful, hilarious, open and full of love, together they shine, they exude love, affection, genuine admiration and more. Like most people who reach ten years of marriage they have had their fair amount of crap, they have broken up a couple of times, they have struggled bigtime but the coolest thing is that they have emerged more connected, more open and more loved up than ever before. And that's what makes this anniversary so special, they have tried and tried and tried again, they haven't just given up because things have gotten too hard, life is hard. They also have two children who are a further testament to them, as both Finton and Braidyn are absolutely wonderful beings.
Anyway, back to the day of love, as you can see it was absolutely delightful, because quite frankly, who doesn't love celebrating true love between totally awesome humans. Oh and having a glorious day, a picturesque setting, the openness of having a whole day of doing nothing but eating, laughing, loving and drinking, oh and seeing children having delightful fun in the sun, hmmm, doesn't get much better than that.
Scott actually declared this day, which included him watching some bands at
No. 5 for the
ABC Exhumed contest, his most favourite day in Bellingen so far. It was definitely pretty wonderful. Now for Scott and I to plan our ten year wedding anniversary for next year, hmmm, maybe more of the same but with a touch of Bluegrass and some dancin', who knows.

I do realise that this life of ours is looking a bit ridiculously idyllic and in someways it is but Bellingen does have ticks, snakes, leeches, challenging mould issues in summer, excessive rain from December to February and for some the problem of never being anonymous, always accountable, I quite like this though. Everyone does work, some multiple jobs, we all have children that can drive us crazy at times and can all fall into ruts or periods of sadness. But yes, there is also a load of goodness, but that is more than evident.