Strangely yet beautifully, these last couple of weeks have been filled, nay overflowing with a whole lot of art. Firstly was a stunning exhibition by Josh Mackenzie, a dear friend and sometimes artist, and without sounding too repetitive, he too has got it, yep, talent by the bucketloads. Josh went to the National Art School way back in 1996, but hasn't really been doing a whole lot of painting since. However in the last ten months or so he has had a creative resurgence, and what a resurgence. Think kooky, psychedelic and intriguing, Luckily for us Scott (being a good friend of Josh's) managed a sneak peek at the show and snagged one absolutely stunning piece (as shown above). Scott did purchase her in mind for his studio but I have pleaded my case and hope to have her in the house occasionally, we think she is magnificent.
Midweek saw a little trip to Briefield to photograph some of
Nick's new pieces for a show he is having in Newcastle. Seeing Nick is always a delight, whatever the occasion but to be able to see his work and admire the development he has made in his space (the home/studio that he is building himself, using the money he makes from his sculptures or by bartering/fossicking/collecting) was like stepping into another world overflowing with treasures. Looking at his space, I couldn't help but compliment him on his 'jewels', trays and trays of bits and pieces that come together in some mystical way to create his wondrous pieces. I am loving seeing these creative spaces, they are so captivating and inspiring.
show, 'Birds in Paradise' will be showing at City Winemakers, Wickham, Newcastle, from the 12th of July, if you are in the area, you should definitely go and say hello and check out his beautiful work.

The Art fest continued with hankies, the beautiful yoga poses of Eva and a bit of playing around in photoshop for an upcoming market but more of that later.
I have been realising, as might some of you, that so many of these posts seem to be quite external, so many photos, moments that are out and about and yes it's true, it is a reflection of some of what we have been up to but I do feel the need to balance this outwardness with some inwardness, so hopefully soon, there will be images of the corners of our home, meals being prepared and cooked, stockpiles of dust and cobwebs, half eaten apples, pretty pictures and all matter of other things that will hopefully reconnect you with what has been happening on the other side, a bit of balance perhaps.
As I write this I am smiling as I know that in a matter of days, Poe, Ilo and myself will be spending a couple of weeks away from home, at my parents and in Sydney, I better be quick with that post I think.