A couple of weeks ago The Mid North took a break from recording their latest album (I am more than a little excited by it, being totally biased I think it is amazing) and headed up the mountain to celebrate their fiddle and mandolin player John's birthday. John and his wife Laurel recently moved from Bellingen up to Dorrigo, they bought a beautiful home complete with, wait for it, their very own amazing barn (it had been moved their from Armidale by the previous owners). You can imagine how excited I was, the perfect photo opportunity; music, dancing, a whole lot of big and little folk and... an amazing barn. Here are a few of the many photos that were taken.
In other news, remember this
post? Well the fever has begun again but this time contracts have been exchanged and a deposit has been forked out, after three years of being in Bellingen we are now absolutely excited that we have bought our own home. Wonderfully there is quite a bit of work to be done; it is an old weatherboard that is in desperate need of hard core insulation, gap filling, painting and striping of old carpet. We also plan to build a box at the back of the small home and in the box will be open living, kitchen. It has been great brainstorming ideas, ideas that are environmentally conscious whilst factoring in budget, time and how much we can do ourselves. We are talking to everyone seeking advice, reading lots, scouring the tip, salvage yards and
gumtree, it is all very overwhelming yet totally great. Stay tuned for pictures, expletives, steep learning curves and for those nearby or for those who don't mind a road trip, big working bees.
Congratulations :)