Busy is a strange word, I am getting rather tired of bandying it around, it seems like such a throw away word, a word with little substance. So I have been exploring alternatives and feel that 'full' seems to work for me at the moment, so let's go with that. The fullness that I am feeling is rooted deep, it is connecting me, us, to this place more than ever before. It is strengthening our hearts and widening our smiles. In the past week we have been able to draw on those around us, simply by accepting offers.
Amidst a week of frenzy as we try to finish the Rosewood filmclip; coordinating and filming over 20 people in the woods, dancing as the light fades, then attending an autumn festival and most importantly managing rehearsals, finalising costumes, decorations, jar cleaning, beard making and log painting for the upcoming O'Brother where Art Thou show, Scott manages to put his back out and is then forced into bed for three whole days. Yes, yes we acknowledged that this was the universe with a megaphone asking, nay, shouting at him to rest (he has been battling with insomnia for the past month or so, and yes, the relationship between that and his back has been noted), so he obeyed, grateful that it was last week, not this week and grateful that Mike Compton had not yet arrived.
He rested, but he did not rest alone, he rested with an overwhelming amount of support. One day we had Cath with her massage table and magic hands, David with his acupuncture needles and Mary-Anne with her TENS machine, all appear at our door, wanting to help, wanting to alleviate the obvious pain Scott was in. Another day we had one person doing an errand for us in Coffs Harbour, one brilliant yoga teacher happening by and sharing some vitally important strengthening exercises, and countless calls of love, support and offers of assistance at every turn. We even had two, extraordinary humans get a bit crafty by making Scott a surprise present and a very special card filled with love and an interesting form of humour.
The joy and delight that I saw in Scott's eyes as he accepted and embraced all these offers of love, was so touchingly beautiful, to see his 'cup' being filled by all these dear, dear friends, hmmm, I can't even think of the words to use that could come close to explaining how I felt.
Wonderfully we were also lucky enough to have my mum here with us, caring for Poe and Ilo as I zipped off to do some filming here and there, trying to catch the perfect light, cooking meals when we had too many balls in the air and most awesomely, being so delightfully easy and nourishing to be around. We couldn't have achieved so much, so easily, without her here during this past week.

And then, as we head towards the O'Brother show (which was last night, oh my goodness, so much to tell, but that is for another post, sorry), we were once again slathered in offers of help. And not just offers, because, really we all know how easy it is to 'offer' but we were showered in forceful, foot in the door assistance. This has been such a heart warming and amazing experience, this town, these friends, they have blown us away.

Hope you all have a lovely little Easter break, I am looking forward to a curry night, a planning session with Leisa, time on the lounge with my lovely and a day at Bluesfest with five dear friends, whoot.
Happy Easter lovely lady. I so agree re the word "busy" - also think that simply saying "I'm feeling it" a la your post title is a good description too. Poor Scott with his back - as an fellow insomnia sufferer I understand.. Never put my own back out but had enough experiences of Mum doing hers to understand just how debilitating it can be. Sounds like you have some angels around you though. xxx
ReplyDeleteHello lovely, yes we are extremely lucky to have such wonderful and caring folk around us, thank you for your beautiful thoughts. By the way, how do you deal with your insomnia?
Oh no poor Scott get well soon! Poor love. Wishing him healing and warmth. Also I am with you with your 'busy' word i don't like to use this and i think it can add to that feeling of chaos however i understand when we feel so so full it is rather amazing how that word circles in the head. I am using full for now and then I will feel a little less busy and more nourished..so thank you....xxxxxx
ReplyDeleteThanks gorgeous you, he is feeling a lot better and is keenly activating strength within his body So glad you liked 'full', it makes things feel all the more manageable and also gives, i feel, respect and honour to what is filling us. xxx