Friday 16 November 2012

the fever

Soon these beautiful rich and enticing images will dull your mind, you will start to yawn at the sight of an unstripped window/door/piece of fetching wood. I know all this because this is just the beginning, we will be spending a fair amount of time (and money) at this place, a wonderful and completely affordable (there are bargains to be hand, especially with regards to windows and doors) hub of secondhand awesomeness; building material, furniture, fascinating bits and pieces, at Raleigh.
Although contracts have yet to be signed, they are currently being written up, I am going to blurt it out anyway, we have bought a, um, home. Well actually it is a kind of shed/warehouse at the moment, one third basic living, two thirds shed, which is really quite ugly and huge BUT it is so exciting as we can make it whatever we want; solar passive, recycled timbers, alternative building materials, permaculture garden, front and back, internal garden courtyard, nooks, lofts, a soundproof studio, all yet to be worked out. So many ideas are bubbling, we have a friend who is an architect with a passion for sustainable building design helping us with ideas as well as a few other people with some building knowledge around to advise. So much to learn, so much to think about. 
We have a six month settlement, as the current owners need the extra time, they are moving into a nursing home and then I guess the demolition; the gutting will begin. In the meantime, we have lots to think about and source, any ideas welcome.
'The fever' relates to the feverish/totally excited feelings that we are currently experiencing, we are brimming, boiling and bubbling with ideas and potential. 


  1. Oh,how exciting Jay! I look forward to following this exciting journey. And your last post...just adorable!! xx

    1. thanks Judith, yes we are literally brimming with ideas and excitement. xx

  2. Congratulations! Sounds exciting!

    1. hey there, yes, we are super excited, it will definitely be a fun next six months; getting together ideas, building materials and other delicious bits and pieces. xx

  3. Hey you awesome guys! We are so excited for you, this is such wonderful news. We've been meaning to tee up a time to come visit and this could be the perfect cause for celebration. Love to all and we'll be in touch to see when's a good time. Lisa xxx

    1. hello there you gorgeous thing, how are you? we are so excited about seeing you all, can't wait to book it in. love right back at you and your lovely ones. xx


thank you, thank you for sharing your words, thoughts, feelings. xx